a fear of disorder, chaos; also written ataxophobia
Word Origin
Greek a- ‘without’ + taxis ‘order’
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- Ataxophobia
noun a fear of disorder, chaos; also written ataxphobia See ataxiophobia Word Origin Greek a- ‘without’ + taxis ‘order’
- Ataxphobia
noun See ataxophobia
- Ataxy
loss of coordination of the muscles, especially of the extremities. Historical Examples Most commonly our diagnosis is soon assisted by the occurrence of a greater or less degree of ataxy. Neuralgia and the Diseases that Resemble it Francis E. Anstie Laudanum would settle the present ataxy of her animal spirits, and prevent her being too […]
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. abbreviation (text messaging) all the best antibiotic
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a river in NE Africa, flowing NW from NW Ethiopia to the Nile in E Sudan. About 500 miles (800 km) long. a city in NE Sudan. Historical Examples In two days they reached the junction of the Atbara river with the Nile. Great African Travellers W.H.G. Kingston After the battle of Atbara, it was […]