
to shift the carriage or typing element of a typewriter one space backward by depressing a special key.
Computers. to move the cursor, printhead, etc., toward the beginning of the data.
the space made by backspacing.
Also called backspacer, backspace key. the labeled key on a typewriter or computer keyboard used for backspacing.
to move a (typewriter carriage) backwards
a typewriter key that effects such a movement

also back-space, 1899, in reference to keyboarding, from back (adv.) + space.

We have had the pleasure of examining one of the 1899 model Hammond typewriters, with the new back-space key. This new feature is certainly an improvement in the machine. [“The Phonetic Journal,” March 11, 1899]

(BS) ASCII code 8, Control-H. The control character that should cause most output devices to move their current output position back to the previous character so that the next character output will replace (or overprint) it. Inputting a backspace (typically by pressing the backspace key) causes many systems to delete the character before the input cursor, though others use delete for this.
See twirling baton for an imaginitive use of backspace.

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