Bar pit
barrow pit.
a roadside borrow pit dug for drainage purposes.
Historical Examples
But James was playing, not to the bar pit, but to the English gallery.
Odd Bits of History Henry W. Wolff
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- Barrack
a building or group of buildings for lodging soldiers, especially in garrison. any large, plain building in which many people are lodged. to lodge in barracks. to shout boisterously for or against a player or team; root or jeer. to shout for or against. Contemporary Examples There are lovingly tended flower beds along each road […]
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a volume of poems (1892) by Rudyard Kipling, including Gunga Din, Danny Deever, and Mandalay. Historical Examples Nor could there be any doubt that his Barrack-Room Ballads were the most popular of his works. America To-day, Observations and Reflections William Archer The Barrack-Room Ballads would be incomprehensible to a Frenchman. Paris Vistas Helen Davenport Gibbons
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a large bag of heavy cotton, closed with a drawstring, used by military personnel for carrying personal belongings. Related Terms blow it out
- Barracks lawyer
a member of the armed forces who speaks or acts like an authority on military law, regulations, and the rights of service personnel. Related Terms latrine lawyer noun phrase A soldier who is argumentative, esp on fine points, and tends to be a meddler, complainer, and self-server (1940s+ Army)
- Barracoon
(formerly) a place of temporary confinement for slaves or convicts. noun (formerly) a temporary place of confinement for slaves or convicts, esp those awaiting transportation