a seaport in E Cuba: oldest town in Cuba; settled 1512.
Historical Examples
Cocoanuts form the chief article of export from Baracoa, which is the last port of any note on the north coast of Cuba.
The History of Cuba, vol. 5 Willis Fletcher Johnson
The Spaniards caught him and burned him to death at Baracoa.
Myths & Legends of our New Possessions & Protectorate Charles M. Skinner
Baracoa was made the seat of a bishopric, and a cathedral was begun, in 1518.
Cuba, Old and New Albert Gardner Robinson
The oldest town is Baracoa, in the province of Santiago de Cuba.
Industrial Cuba Robert P. Porter
They again threatened Baracoa, and were active even in the suburbs of Santiago itself.
The History of Cuba, vol. 1 Willis Fletcher Johnson
Baracoa is far behind the times, but it has all the potentialities for future greatness.
Industrial Cuba Robert P. Porter
Baracoa is supposed to be the place about which Columbus wrote one of his most glowing and extravagant eulogies.
Cuba, Old and New Albert Gardner Robinson
One was, that Baracoa was an unhealthful spot; in which he was surely in error.
The History of Cuba, vol. 1 Willis Fletcher Johnson
The coco-nut palm is most abundant in the vicinity of Baracoa.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 7, Slice 7 Various
We passed Baracoa, the oldest city in the island, with its picturesque, castle-crowned hill and its splendid mountain background.
Cuba Past and Present Richard Davey
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