(physiol) the ability to sense pressure
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loss of the ability to estimate or perceive the weight of an object. baragnosis bar·ag·no·sis (bār’āg-nō’sĭs) n. Loss or impairment of the ability to differentiate varying weights or pressures, sometimes the result of a brain lesion.
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a spiritual power believed to be possessed by certain persons, objects, tombs, etc. Imamu Amiri [ih-mah-moo uh-meer-ee] /ɪˈmɑ mu əˈmɪər i/ (Show IPA), (Everett LeRoi Jones) born 1934, U.S. dramatist, poet, and political activist. Contemporary Examples baraka actually suggests that his ties to gang leaders would allow him to broker a peace among the gangs […]
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