a spiritual power believed to be possessed by certain persons, objects, tombs, etc.
Imamu Amiri
[ih-mah-moo uh-meer-ee] /ɪˈmɑ mu əˈmɪər i/ (Show IPA), (Everett LeRoi Jones) born 1934, U.S. dramatist, poet, and political activist.
Contemporary Examples
baraka actually suggests that his ties to gang leaders would allow him to broker a peace among the gangs of Newark.
The Leak of a Mysterious Video Could Change the Outcome of Newark’s Mayor’s Race Charles Upton Sahm May 4, 2014
Thousands of children are on wait lists to get in charters and baraka insists that he supports them as part of the overall system.
The Leak of a Mysterious Video Could Change the Outcome of Newark’s Mayor’s Race Charles Upton Sahm May 4, 2014
Jeffries has a new talking point in his effort to paint baraka as anti-economic development.
The Leak of a Mysterious Video Could Change the Outcome of Newark’s Mayor’s Race Charles Upton Sahm May 4, 2014
baraka has written letters in support of convicted gang lord Al-Tariq Gumbs.
The Leak of a Mysterious Video Could Change the Outcome of Newark’s Mayor’s Race Charles Upton Sahm May 4, 2014
Still, the mayor of Newark can cause a lot of problems and baraka insists Anderson must go if he is elected mayor.
The Leak of a Mysterious Video Could Change the Outcome of Newark’s Mayor’s Race Charles Upton Sahm May 4, 2014
Historical Examples
baraka went back to Tipo Tipo’s village, thus putting his intention of begging among the Arab slaves into operation.
The Last Journals of David Livingstone, in Central Africa, from 1865 to His Death, Volume I (of 2), 1866-1868 David Livingstone
baraka accepted all these inventions without doubting their veracity.
The Diva’s Ruby F. Marion Crawford
The proud little head was bowed down for a moment and baraka did not speak till several seconds had passed.
The Diva’s Ruby F. Marion Crawford
To the Greek’s surprise, baraka showed no outward sign of emotion.
The Diva’s Ruby F. Marion Crawford
The consequence of this was that when baraka’s case came up the next morning there was no one to say a word for her and Spiro.
The Diva’s Ruby F. Marion Crawford
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