Aleksandr Andreyevich
[uh-lyi-ksahn-dr uhn-drye-yi-vyich] /ʌ lyɪˈksɑn dr ʌnˈdryɛ yɪ vyɪtʃ/ (Show IPA), 1747–1819, Russian fur trader in Alaska.
Historical Examples
The building on the hill was of logs like the rest, and proved to be the castle of stern old Governor Baranov.
Gulf and Glacier Willis Boyd Allen
He telegraphed to Baranov, and Baranov was so kind as to send it to me.
Letters of Anton Chekhov Anton Chekhov
But they hurried out again as soon as this piece of business was transacted, anxious to renew their acquaintance with Baranov.
Gulf and Glacier Willis Boyd Allen
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