a city in central Byelorussia (Belarus), SW of Minsk.
a city in W central Belarus, SW of Minsk.
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a closely woven fabric of silk, rayon, cotton, or wool, having a pebbled surface. noun a fabric made of silk and wool or cotton and rayon, used esp for coats
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noun (E African) a place where public meetings are held a palaver or meeting
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a point or pointed part projecting backward from a main point, as of a fishhook or arrowhead. an obviously or openly unpleasant or carping remark. Botany, Zoology. a hooked or sharp bristle. Ornithology. one of the processes attached to the rachis of a feather. one of a breed of domestic pigeons, similar to the carriers […]
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to make barbarous; brutalize; corrupt: foreign influences barbarizing the Latin language. to become barbarous; lapse into barbarism. to use barbarisms in speaking or writing. Historical Examples In this age, poverty tends to barbarize men; it shuts them out from the educational influences of our times. Speeches, Addresses, and Occasional Sermons, Volume 1 (of 3) Theodore […]
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a shrub or small tree, Jacquinia barbasco, of tropical America, the source of a substance used to stun fish so they can be caught easily. any similar plant yielding a substance that stuns or kills fish. the fish-stunning or fish-killing substance obtained from these plants. Historical Examples The Savanerics poison pools with pounded leaves of […]