Barclay de tolly
Prince Mikhail Bogdanovich
[mi-kah-eel bog-dah-nuh-vich;; Russian myi-khuh-yeel buhg-dah-nuh-vyich] /mɪ kɑˈil bɒgˈdɑ nə vɪtʃ;; Russian myɪ xʌˈyil bʌgˈdɑ nə vyɪtʃ/ (Show IPA), 1761–1818, Russian field marshal: commander in chief against Napoleon I in 1812.
Historical Examples
Already were the leading battalions of Barclay de Tolly’s corps in the field, and brigade after brigade followed them.
Germany, Bohemia, and Hungary, Visited in 1837. Vol. II G. R. Gleig
Barclay de Tolly was quartered nearly three miles from the Emperor.
War and Peace Leo Tolstoy
But Barclay de Tolly continued to run away from that great battle.
Barlasch of the Guard H. S. Merriman
Wolzogen had come from Barclay de Tolly to report on the progress of affairs on the left flank.
War and Peace Leo Tolstoy
Barclay de Tolly was twice obliged to send him away from the army.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 7, Slice 2 Various
In the foremost place, immediately under the icons, sat Barclay de Tolly, his high forehead merging into his bald crown.
War and Peace Leo Tolstoy
Barclay de Tolly had decided to vary, for once, his tactics by staying for a day his retrograde movement.
Moscow Fred Whishaw
He had proposed that plan to Barclay de Tolly and now wished to propose it to Kutuzov.
War and Peace Leo Tolstoy
Prince Mikhail (mixaˈil). 1761–1818, Russian field marshal: commander in chief against Napoleon in 1812
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