Bardeen-cooper-schrieffer theory
BCS theory.
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- Bard
(formerly) a person who composed and recited epic or heroic poems, often while playing the harp, lyre, or the like. one of an ancient Celtic order of composers and reciters of poetry. any poet. the bard, William Shakespeare. Armor. any of various pieces of defensive armor for a horse. Cookery. a thin slice of fat […]
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noun another name for bar graph
- Bar ditch
barrow pit. a roadside borrow pit dug for drainage purposes.
- Baresthesia
the sense or perception of pressure. baresthesia bar·es·the·sia (bār’ěs-thē’zhə) n. See pressure sense.
- Bar examination
a written examination to determine if one is qualified to practice law in a particular jurisdiction. Historical Examples He has just passed his bar examination and is practicing temporarily in my office. The Mask Arthur Hornblow