Basal metabolism

the minimal amount of energy necessary to maintain respiration, circulation, and other vital body functions while fasting and at total rest.
Historical Examples

To use this table one may seek the basal metabolism of the individual, add 10 per cent.
Food in War Time Graham Lusk

This measurement represents the basal metabolism of a man at complete rest, when his oxidative activities are at their lowest ebb.
Food in War Time Graham Lusk

Ratios of measured to predicted values were used for basal metabolism (Hbr) and minimum wet thermal conductance (Cmwr).
Metabolic Adaptation to Climate and Distribution of the Raccoon Procyon Lotor and Other Procyonidae John N. Mugaas

Benedict and Emmes have shown by very careful measurements that the basal metabolism of men is about 6% higher than that of women.
Taboo and Genetics Melvin Moses Knight, Iva Lowther Peters, and Phyllis Mary Blanchard

It has been found by DuBois that the basal metabolism in boys of twelve is 25 per cent.
Food in War Time Graham Lusk

the amount of energy required by an individual in the resting state, for such functions as breathing and circulation of the blood See basal metabolic rate

basal metabolism n.
The minimum amount of energy required to maintain vital functions in an organism at complete rest, measured by the basal metabolic rate in a fasting individual.
basal metabolism [(bay-suhl, bay-zuhl muh-tab-uh-liz-uhm)]

The rate at which an inactive, resting organism expends energy.

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