

type of cake, 1903, from name of a town in Germany, the seat of a family which became known in Britain as Mountbatten.
Historical Examples

Among them were two brothers, of the name of battenberg; they were of a noble family, and prominent members of the league.
History of the Reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain. William H. Prescott

It wound itself up in a network of battenberg braid, in all the numbers.
Fanny Herself Edna Ferber

The battenberg at Leipzig: nothing but leading turns; and she had topped the bill at Leipzig!
The Bill-Toppers Andre Castaigne

Over the centre of the table was spread a large square of orange satin overlaid with a battenberg lunch cloth.
Bright Ideas for Entertaining Mrs. Herbert B. Linscott

On this day Prince Maurice of battenberg died of his wounds.
1914 John French, Viscount of Ypres

He has among his schoolfellows his cousin Prince Alexander of battenberg, of whom a delightful story is current just now.
Collections and Recollections George William Erskine Russell

Irish Renaissance, Luxeuil and battenberg are the other names for this lace.
Lace, Its Origin and History Samuel L. Goldenberg

Prince Louis of battenberg has been here and I have been very much pleased with him.
Letters to His Children Theodore Roosevelt

battenberg tumbled, foamed, cascaded over Winnebago’s front porches all that summer.
Fanny Herself Edna Ferber

She was in an ordinary red costume, and was rather cold and shy at first, but thawed when battenberg appeared.
Letters of a Diplomat’s Wife Mary King Waddington

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