
material for belts.
belts collectively.
Informal. a beating or thrashing.
Obsolete, belt.
a band of flexible material, as leather or cord, for encircling the waist.
any encircling or transverse band, strip, or stripe.
an elongated region having distinctive properties or characteristics:
a belt of cotton plantations.
Machinery. an endless flexible band passing about two or more pulleys, used to transmit motion from one pulley to the other or others or to convey materials and objects.

a cloth strip with loops or a series of metal links with grips, for holding cartridges fed into an automatic gun.
a band of leather or webbing, worn around the waist and used as a support for weapons, ammunition, etc.

a series of armor plates forming part of the hull of a warship.
a broad, flexible strip of rubber, canvas, wood, etc., moved along the surface of a fresh concrete pavement to put a finish on it after it has been floated.
a road, railroad, or the like, encircling an urban center to handle peripheral traffic.
Slang. a hard blow or hit.
Slang. a shot of liquor, especially as swallowed in one gulp.
Automotive. a strip of material used in a type of motor-vehicle tire (belted tire) where it is placed between the carcass and the tread for reinforcement.
to gird or furnish with a belt.
to surround or mark as if with a belt or band:
Garbage cans were belted with orange paint.
to fasten on (a sword, gun, etc.) by means of a belt.
to beat with or as if with a belt, strap, etc.
Slang. to hit very hard, far, etc.:
You were lucky he didn’t belt you in the mouth when you said that. He belted a triple to right field.
Informal. to sing (a song) loudly and energetically (sometimes followed by out):
She can belt out a number with the best of them.
Slang. to drink (a shot of liquor) quickly, especially in one gulp (sometimes followed by down):
He belted a few and went back out into the cold.
below the belt, not in accord with the principles of fairness, decency, or good sportsmanship:
criticism that hit below the belt.
tighten one’s belt,

to undergo hardship patiently.
to curtail one’s expenditures; be more frugal:
They were urged to tighten their belts for the war effort.

under one’s belt, Informal.

in one’s stomach, as food or drink:
With a few Scotches under his belt, he’s everyone’s friend.
considered as a matter of successful past experience:
I don’t think our lawyer has enough similar cases under his belt.

Contemporary Examples

Is Miley Cyrus a Good Singer? Experts Weigh In Kevin Fallon January 28, 2014
Bill Clinton, Loretta Claiborne: Best Moments From 2012 Clinton Global Initiative (Video) Nina Strochlic September 24, 2012
Fashion Week Day 6 Isabel Wilkinson February 15, 2010
Choose Your Own Neil Patrick Harris: The Star on ‘Doogie,’ ‘Gone Girl,’ Gay Sex and More Kevin Fallon October 9, 2014

Historical Examples

Scientific American Supplement, No. 613, October 1, 1887 Various
John Splendid Neil Munro
Life’s Handicap Rudyard Kipling
The Eagle’s Heart Hamlin Garland
The Firing Line Robert W. Chambers
The Boy Mechanic, Book 2 Various

the material used to make a belt or belts
belts collectively
(informal) a beating
(Brit, informal) excellent; first-class
a band of cloth, leather, etc, worn, usually around the waist, to support clothing, carry tools, weapons, or ammunition, or as decoration
a narrow band, circle, or stripe, as of colour
an area, esp an elongated one, where a specific thing or specific conditions are found; zone: the town belt, a belt of high pressure
a belt worn as a symbol of rank (as by a knight or an earl), or awarded as a prize (as in boxing or wrestling), or to mark particular expertise (as in judo or karate)
See seat belt
a band of flexible material between rotating shafts or pulleys to transfer motion or transmit goods: a fan belt, a conveyer belt
a beltcourse See cordon (sense 4)
(informal) a sharp blow, as with a bat or the fist
below the belt

(boxing) below the waist, esp in the groin
(informal) in an unscrupulous or cowardly way

tighten one’s belt, to take measures to reduce expenditure
under one’s belt

(of food or drink) in one’s stomach
in one’s possession
as part of one’s experience: he had a linguistics degree under his belt

(transitive) to fasten or attach with or as if with a belt
(transitive) to hit with a belt
(transitive) (slang) to give a sharp blow; punch
(slang) (intransitive) often foll by along. to move very fast, esp in a car: belting down the motorway
(transitive) (rare) to mark with belts, as of colour
(transitive) (rare) to encircle; surround
A geographic region that is distinctive in a specific respect.

A blow; stroke; whack: She gave it a good belt (1900+)
A thrill; transport of pleasure; kick: You’ll get a belt out of this one (1930s+)
A marijuana cigarette; joint (1950s+ Narcotics)
A drink; swig; swallow: He handed me the bottle and I took a belt at it (1920s+)

To hit; strike; sock: Ed belts him in the kisser/ He belted the ball a mile (1830s+)
(also belt down) To drink, esp vigorously and often: I seen him come in this joint lots of times and belt them down until he’s cross-eyed (1800s+)

belt down
belt out

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