an unstable hydride of bismuth, BiH 3 , analogous to arsine and stibine.
any derivative of this compound in which the hydrogen atoms are replaced by one or more organic groups.
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- Bismuthosis
- Bismuthous
containing trivalent bismuth. adjective of or containing bismuth in the trivalent state
- Bismuthyl
Chemistry. the univalent group BiO + , occurring in certain bismuth salts, as bismuth oxychloride, BiOCl.
- Bismutite
a mineral, bismuth carbonate, resulting from the alteration of bismuth minerals: a minor source of bismuth.
- Bisnaga
any of several thorny cactuses of the genera Echinocactus, Ferocactus, and Astrophytum of the southwestern U.S. Historical Examples Dust of the Desert Robert Welles Ritchie The Book of the National Parks Robert Sterling Yard The Mystic Mid-Region Arthur J. Burdick