(often initial capital letter) a digital currency that uses state-of-the-art cryptography, can be issued in any fractional denomination, and has a decentralized distribution system:
stores and online businesses that accept Bitcoin.
a single unit of this currency:
the current value of a bitcoin.
Contemporary Examples
Bitcoin Forever! Nick Gillespie February 26, 2014
Vilified Bitcoin Tycoon After Losing $500 Million: My Life Is at Risk Nathalie-Kyoko Stucky September 16, 2014
Should Baby Boomers Invest in Bitcoin? Sarah Kunst January 8, 2014
Inside the Great Bitcoin Heist Michael Daly February 17, 2014
My Bitcoin (Mis)adventure Winston Ross April 3, 2013
My Bitcoin (Mis)adventure Winston Ross April 3, 2013
Mysteries Continue to Swirl Around the Identity of Bitcoin’s Creator Jake Adelstein March 10, 2014
The Free-Market Cluelessness of Bitcoin Enthusiasts Daniel Gross March 6, 2014
Vilified Bitcoin Tycoon After Losing $500 Million: My Life Is at Risk Nathalie-Kyoko Stucky September 16, 2014
The Free-Market Cluelessness of Bitcoin Enthusiasts Daniel Gross March 6, 2014
Read Also:
- Bit-decay
bit decay
- Bit-diddling
bit diddling
- Bit-error-rate
bit error rate
- Bit-field
bit field
- Bit-gauge
a device for stopping a bit when it has reached a desired depth.