
a hold in which a wrestler places full body weight on a supine opponent in trying to pin the opponent’s shoulders to the mat.

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  • Body--search

    to search all parts of the body of: Police ordered the suspects to strip and then body-searched them for hidden caches of narcotics. noun a form of search by police, customs officials, etc, that involves examination of a prisoner’s or suspect’s bodily orifices verb (transitive) to search (a prisoner or suspect) in this manner

  • Bodyshell

    the outer shell of an automobile body, excluding doors, window glass, interior fittings, and all mechanical components. noun the external shell of a motor vehicle

  • Body-shirt

    a close-fitting shirt or blouse having a shape and seams that follow the contours of the body. such a garment with a sewn-in or snap crotch, especially a woman’s leotard or combination shirt and panty with a snap crotch.

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