
Firmly resolved to, as in He was bound and determined to finish the assignment before taking on another . This phrase is a redundancy used for emphasis, as bound and determined here both mean “resolved to.” Also see bound to

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  • Boundary

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  • Bound-charge

    polarization charge. any electric charge that is bound to an atom or molecule (opposed to free charge).

  • Bound--for

    going or intending to go; on the way to; destined (usually followed by for): The train is bound for Denver. Archaic. prepared; ready. verb the past tense and past participle of bind adjective in bonds or chains; tied with or as if with a rope: a bound prisoner (in combination) restricted; confined: housebound, fogbound (postpositive, […]

  • Bound-form

    a linguistic form that never occurs by itself but always as part of some larger construction, as -ed in seated. Compare free form (def 2).

  • Bound-hand-and-foot

    Wholly obligated, unable to free oneself. For example, These rules have us bound hand and foot; we can’t even discuss the matter. This term transfers the literal meaning, having one’s hands and feet tied and therefore unable to move, to legal, moral, or social obligations. The expression dates from the 10th century a.d.

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