having no bounds; infinite or vast; unlimited:
His boundless energy amazed his friends.
Contemporary Examples
Sargent Shriver’s America Adam Clymer January 17, 2011
Scarlett Johansson’s ‘Her’ Performance Deserves Oscar Love Kevin Fallon December 17, 2013
The Private David Frost John M. Florescu September 2, 2013
Women: Talk To The Wall Bernard Avishai June 13, 2013
What the Stars Hold for Your Week Starsky + Cox July 7, 2011
Historical Examples
Old Kaskaskia Mary Hartwell Catherwood
The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete Emile Zola
Dictionary of Quotations from Ancient and Modern, English and Foreign Sources James Wood
The Avenger E. Phillips Oppenheim
The Ghosts Robert G. Ingersoll
unlimited; vast: boundless energy
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simple past tense and past participle of bind. tied; in bonds: a bound prisoner. made fast as if by a band or bond: She is bound to her family. secured within a cover, as a book. under a legal or moral obligation: He is bound by the terms of the contract. destined; sure; certain: It […]
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a premium or reward, especially one offered by a government: There was a bounty on his head. Some states offer a bounty for dead coyotes. a generous gift. generosity in giving. Contemporary Examples The Cost of Somali Piracy in 2011 February 12, 2012 The Strange Case of the Christian Zionist Terrorist Creede Newton December 13, […]