
locomotion accomplished by swinging by the arms from one hold to another.
(brā’kē-ā’shən, brāk’ē-)
Movement in which the suspended body swings by the arms from one hold to another, as in gibbons and arboreal primates. Adaptations used in brachiation, such as relatively long arms and a freely rotating shoulder joint, may have contributed to the development of bipedalism in protohumans.

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  • Brachiator

    an animal that can progress by means of brachiation, as a gibbon.

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    a combining form meaning “arm,” “upper arm,” used in the formation of compound words: brachiopod. combining form indicating a brachium: brachiopod

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    adjective of, relating to, or supplying the arm and head: brachiocephalic artery

  • Brachiocephalic-artery

    a major artery, arising from the arch of the aorta, that supplies blood to the right arm and the head.

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    brachiocephalic trunk

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