
a slow heartbeat rate, usually less than 60 beats per minute.
Historical Examples

Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 13, Slice 2 Various

(pathol) an abnormally low rate of heartbeat Compare tachycardia
brad’y·car’dic (-dĭk) or brad’y·car’di·ac’ (-dē-āk’) adj.

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    a slow heartbeat rate, usually less than 60 beats per minute. noun (pathol) an abnormally low rate of heartbeat Compare tachycardia brad’y·car’dic (-dĭk) or brad’y·car’di·ac’ (-dē-āk’) adj.

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    slowness of movement, as found, for example, in Parkinson’s disease. noun (physiol) abnormal slowness of physical movement, esp as an effect of Parkinson’s disease brad’y·ki·net’ic (-nět’ĭk) adj.

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