
of or relating to shepherds; pastoral.
of, relating to, or suggesting an idyllic rural life.
a pastoral poem.
Archaic. a farmer; shepherd; rustic.
Contemporary Examples

How I Write: Scott Spencer Noah Charney March 12, 2014
In Egypt’s Countryside, Vendettas Between Police and Islamists Simmer Mike Giglio, Christopher Dickey October 27, 2013
The Nobel Peace Prize Is a Joke Michael Moynihan October 11, 2012
The Secret to This Ice Cream: Pampered Cows Jane & Michael Stern May 17, 2014
Vacation Primary: Why Republican Candidates Win the Summer Michelle Cottle July 2, 2012

Historical Examples

Halcyone Elinor Glyn
The Fortune Hunter Louis Joseph Vance
The Business of Being a Woman Ida M. Tarbell
Watch Yourself Go By Al. G. Field
By Right of Conquest Arthur Hornblow

of or characteristic of the countryside or country life; rustic
of or relating to shepherds; pastoral
(sometimes pl) a pastoral poem, often in the form of a dialogue
a rustic; farmer or shepherd

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