comrade or chum (often used as a term of address).
bud2 .
to be a companion; be friendly or on intimate terms.
buddy up,
to become friendly; be on friendly or intimate terms.
to work closely together:
to buddy up with a student from another high school.
buddy up to, to become friendly with or curry the favor of:
He was buddying up to the political bosses.
Historical Examples
Shock Absorber E.G. von Wald
noun (pl) -dies
(mainly US & Canadian) an informal word for friend Also called (as a term of address) bud
a volunteer who visits and gives help and support to a person suffering from AIDS
a volunteer who gives help and support to a person who has become disabled but is returning to work
verb -dying, -died
(intransitive) to act as a buddy to a person suffering from AIDS
Lenny Kent, a long-time fave here, is really in his element. … After four weeks here he’s got everone in town saying, “Hiya, Buddy, Buddy” with a drawl simulating his. [Review of Ned Schuyler’s 5 O’Clock Club, Miami Beach, Fla., “Billboard,” Nov. 12, 1949]
Buddy system attested from 1920.
A man’s closest male friend; pal •During WWI this term took on a particularly strong sentimental value
A male’s partner in work or sport
Be very friendly, as in He is always wanting to buddy up with me, but I don’t really like him. [ ; early 1900s ]
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buddy up to someone
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to move slightly; begin to move: He stepped on the gas but the car didn’t budge. to change one’s opinion or stated position; yield: Once her father had said “no,” he wouldn’t budge. to cause to move; begin to move: It took three of them to budge the rock. to cause (someone) to reconsider or […]
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to move slightly; begin to move: He stepped on the gas but the car didn’t budge. to change one’s opinion or stated position; yield: Once her father had said “no,” he wouldn’t budge. to cause to move; begin to move: It took three of them to budge the rock. to cause (someone) to reconsider or […]