
absolutely nothing; nothing at all:
Those reckless investments left him with bugger-all.

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  • Bugger--off

    Informal. a fellow or lad (used affectionately or abusively): a cute little bugger. Informal. any object or thing. Often Vulgar. a sodomite. Chiefly British Slang. a despicable or contemptible person, especially a man. an annoying or troublesome thing, situation, etc. Often Vulgar. to sodomize. Slang. damn: Bugger the cost—I want the best. Chiefly British Slang. […]

  • Buggered

    Informal. a fellow or lad (used affectionately or abusively): a cute little bugger. Informal. any object or thing. Often Vulgar. a sodomite. Chiefly British Slang. a despicable or contemptible person, especially a man. an annoying or troublesome thing, situation, etc. Often Vulgar. to sodomize. Slang. damn: Bugger the cost—I want the best. Chiefly British Slang. […]

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    sodomy. noun anal intercourse between a man and another man, a woman, or an animal Compare sodomy n.

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  • Buggy

    a light, four-wheeled, horse-drawn carriage with a single seat and a transverse spring. (in India) a light, two-wheeled carriage with a folding top. baby carriage. Older Slang. an automobile, especially an old or dilapidated one. a small wagon or truck for transporting heavy materials, as coal in a mine or freshly mixed concrete at a […]

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