
a technique of engraving upon a gem or other stone, as onyx, in such a way that an underlying stone of one color is exposed as a background for a low-relief design of another color.
a gem or other stone so engraved.
a literary sketch, small dramatic scene, or the like, that effectively presents or depicts its subject.
Also called cameo role. a minor part played by a prominent performer in a single scene of a motion picture or a television play.
Contemporary Examples

What Was Netanyahu Thinking? Peter Beinart January 21, 2013
What Newt Gingrich Can Do for Mitt Romney Matt Latimer August 8, 2012
Lindsay Lohan Due in Court for Allegedly Lying to Cops Over Car Crash Anna Klassen March 17, 2013
The Vipers of Tinseltown Lee Siegel July 17, 2009
Arizona’s White Supremacist Problem Terry Greene Sterling July 22, 2010

Historical Examples

Roman Women Alfred Brittain
My Double Life Sarah Bernhardt
Louisiana Lou William West Winter
Rope Holworthy Hall
Martin Hewitt, Investigator Arthur Morrison

noun (pl) cameos

a medallion, as on a brooch or ring, with a profile head carved in relief
(as modifier): a cameo necklace

an engraving upon a gem or other stone of at least two differently coloured layers, such as sardonyx, so carved that the background is of a different colour from the raised design
a stone with such an engraving

a single and often brief dramatic scene played by a well-known actor or actress in a film or television play
(as modifier): a cameo role

a short literary work or dramatic sketch
(as modifier): a cameo sketch

computer-aided management of emergency operations

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