jasper1 (def 2).
a compact, opaque, cryptocrystalline variety of quartz, usually colored red: often used in decorative carvings.
Also called jasper ware, cameo ware. a fine, hard stoneware introduced c1775 by Wedgwood, stained various colors by metallic oxides, with raised designs in white.
jasper ware with applied decoration of classical motifs, resembling a cameo
an opaque impure microcrystalline form of quartz, red, yellow, brown, or dark green in colour, used as a gemstone and for ornamental decoration
Also called jasper ware. a dense hard stoneware, invented in 1775 by Wedgwood, capable of being stained throughout its substance with metallic oxides and used as background for applied classical decoration
A reddish, brown, or yellow variety of chert. Jasper usually occurs in association with iron ores and contains iron impurities that give it its color.
A fellow; man; guy: two jaspers with a grudge
A rustic; hick (1914+)
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