
a person who camps out for recreation, especially in the wilderness.
a person who attends a summer camp or day camp.
Also called pickup camper, truck camper. a trucklike vehicle, van, or trailer that is fitted or suitable for recreational camping, or a pickup truck on which a structure fitted for camping is mounted.
to travel and live in a vehicular camper:
We’re going to camper for two weeks during our vacation.
something that provides sophisticated, knowing amusement, as by virtue of its being artlessly mannered or stylized, self-consciously artificial and extravagant, or teasingly ingenuous and sentimental.
a person who adopts a teasing, theatrical manner, especially for the amusement of others.
Also, camp it up. to speak or behave in a coquettishly playful or extravagantly theatrical manner.
camp Hollywood musicals of the 1940s.
Contemporary Examples

The Oprah School on Trial Gretchen L. Wilson October 26, 2008
Death of the Author by Viral Infection: In Defense of Taylor Swift, Digital Doomsayer Arthur Chu December 2, 2014
Inside Gaddafi’s Harem: The Story of a Girl’s Abduction Annick Cojean August 28, 2013
Behind the Latest Bust at High Times Magazine Tony Doukopil March 16, 2012
Bulger’s FBI Ties Enrage Cops Rikki Klieman October 20, 2011

Historical Examples

The Banner Boy Scouts on a Tour George A. Warren
Scouting For Girls, Official Handbook of the Girl Scouts Girl Scouts
On the Trail Lina Beard and Adelia Belle Beard
The Girl Scouts at Sea Crest Lillian Garis
Woodcraft E. H. (Elmer Harry) Kreps

a person who lives or temporarily stays in a tent, cabin, etc
a vehicle equipped for camping out
a place where tents, cabins, or other temporary structures are erected for the use of military troops, for training soldiers, etc
the military life
tents, cabins, etc, used as temporary lodgings by a group of travellers, holiday-makers, Scouts, etc
the group of people living in such lodgings
(South African) a field or paddock fenced off as pasture
a group supporting a given doctrine or theory: the socialist camp
(Austral) a place where sheep or cattle gather to rest
(modifier) suitable for use in temporary quarters, on holiday, etc, esp by being portable and easy to set up: a camp bed, a camp chair
(intransitive) often foll by down. to establish or set up a camp
(intransitive) often foll by out. to live temporarily in or as if in a tent
(transitive) to put in a camp
effeminate; affected in mannerisms, dress, etc
consciously artificial, exaggerated, vulgar, or mannered; self-parodying, esp when in dubious taste
(transitive) to perform or invest with a camp quality
camp it up

to seek to focus attention on oneself by making an ostentatious display, overacting, etc
to flaunt one’s homosexuality

a camp quality, style, etc
Walter (Chauncey). 1859–1925, US sportsman and administrator; he introduced new rules to American football, which distinguished it from rugby.

: a camp bar/ the camp scene
: a camp advertisement/ camp clothing

A male homosexual (1940s+ Homosexuals)
Effeminate behavior, such as mincing gait, fluttering gestures, or pronounced lisp (1920s+ Homosexuals)
Something, esp in art, decoration, theater, etc, so naively stylized, artificial, affected, old-fashioned, and inadequate to good modern taste as to be highly amusing and inviting to parody: television’s inexhaustible supply of crash courses in camp (1960s+)

(also camp it up): Malcolm was camping perilously in the blue-collar bar
(also camp it up) To behave in a humorously affected, exaggerated way, esp imitating the acting and oratorical styles of the 1800s: She started camping, vamping me like Theda Bara (1960s+)

cyclic adenosine monophosphate
continuous air monitoring program
cyclophosphamide doxorubicin methotrexate procarbazine

camp follower
camp it up
camp out

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