of or relating to Kanara, a part of the Maharashtra province in W India.
one of a Dravidian people living mainly in the state of Karnataka, in southwest India.
Historical Examples
Castes and Tribes of Southern India Edgar Thurston
The Jesuits, 1534-1921 Thomas J. Campbell
Castes and Tribes of Southern India Edgar Thurston
Castes and Tribes of Southern India Edgar Thurston
Castes and Tribes of Southern India Edgar Thurston
Castes and Tribes of Southern India Edgar Thurston
Castes and Tribes of Southern India Edgar Thurston
Castes and Tribes of Southern India Edgar Thurston
Castes and Tribes of Southern India Edgar Thurston
Castes and Tribes of Southern India Edgar Thurston
noun, verb (pl) -rese
a variant spelling of Kanarese
(pl) -rese. a member of a people of S India living chiefly in Kanara
the language of this people; Kannada
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