the wick of a candle.
Also, candlewicking. Textiles.
Also called candlewick yarn. loosely twisted yarn, usually of cotton, used for making candlewick fabric.
the process of making candlewick fabric.
the design made by this process.
(of a fabric) having small, short bunches of wicking tufted to form a design:
a candlewick bedspread of unbleached muslin.
Historical Examples
Mother Nature’s Toy-Shop Lina Beard
Pinocchio C. Collodi
The Survey of London John Stow
Pinocchio C. Collodi
Boat-Building and Boating Daniel Carter Beard
Pinocchio C. Collodi
Old and New London Walter Thornbury
In the Days of the Guild Louise Lamprey
Pinocchio C. Collodi
The Survey of London John Stow
unbleached cotton or muslin into which loops of yarn are hooked and then cut to give a tufted pattern. It is used for bedspreads, dressing gowns, etc
the wick of a candle
(modifier) being or made of candlewick fabric
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