
George Washington, 1864?–1943, U.S. botanist and chemist.
John, 1575?–1621, Pilgrim leader: first governor of Plymouth Colony 1620–21.
Raymond, 1938–88, U.S. short-story writer and poet.
Contemporary Examples

Maryann agreed to “step aside” and eventually accept a dicey divorce settlement, allowing for “voluntary” support from Carver.
Carver Was the Rage Brad Gooch December 3, 2009

Carver argued back in a poem: “starving is more of a cop-out.”
Carver Was the Rage Brad Gooch December 3, 2009

Even after his death in 1943 at the age of 78, Carver continued to break barriers.
Growth Stocks The Daily Beast October 16, 2014

To make tradition-bound farmers realize the larger economic benefits of such crops, Carver began to look for other uses.
Growth Stocks The Daily Beast October 16, 2014

A weirdly parallel codependent relationship takes place between Carver and his storied editor.
Carver Was the Rage Brad Gooch December 3, 2009

Historical Examples

Whatever it was—however it came there—imaginer, Carver, sufferer, all were long passed away.
Ruth Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell

A Carver in the neighborhood engaged to make the figurehead.
Tanglewood Tales Nathaniel Hawthorne

Carver jumped to one side and reached for his torch, with that in his left hand he searched the front room.
Dreamy Hollow Sumner Charles Britton

Nay, it was to be “all wrought out of the Carver’s brain,” and the brain was ready.
Tiverton Tales Alice Brown

Show some of your work to an upholsterer, or a Carver and gilder, and you may either obtain an engagement or at least an order.
The Girl’s Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 357, October 30, 1886 Various

a carving knife
(pl) a large matched knife and fork for carving meat
(Brit) a chair with arms that forms part of a set of dining chairs
George Washington. ?1864–1943, US agricultural chemist and botanist

late 14c. (late 13c. as a surname), “one who carves” (in some sense); agent noun from carve (v.). In a set of dining chairs, the one with the arms, usually at the head of the table, is the carver (1927), reserved for the one who carves.
American botanist and educator whose work was instrumental in improving the agricultural efficiency of the United States.

Our Living Language : George Washington Carver played a central role in revitalizing Southern agriculture after the Civil War, when Southern farms produced ever smaller cotton crops. His promotion of crop rotation methods helped to restore Southern farmlands, which had been depleted by the exclusive cultivation of cotton. Carver also introduced two new crops, peanuts and sweet potatoes, that would produce well in Alabama soil. To make them economically beneficial to farmers, he developed 325 products from peanuts, including peanut butter, plastics, synthetic rubber, shaving cream, and paper. He also developed hundreds of other products from sweet potatoes and from dozens of other native plants, including soybeans and cotton. During his forty-seven years as head of the agriculture department at Tuskegee Institute in Alabama, he taught the importance of crop diversification and soil conservation. Carver also introduced movable schools that brought practical agricultural knowledge directly to farmers.

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