castor1 (def 1).
Historical Examples
From the strength of the castoreum, the Siberians infer that other parts of the animal must possess peculiar virtues.
Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 64, No. 393, July 1848 Various
Of the infatuation of this animal for castoreum he saw several instances.
The Western World W.H.G. Kingston
The Indians also highly prized the castoreum of the beaver for its supposed medicinal properties.
The Chief Engineer Henry Abbott
castoreum was the most popular of these, and from it was compounded the great cure-all.
In Beaver World Enos Abijah Mills
When genuine and unadulterated, castoreum will preserve its flavour for ten years.
A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume VII Robert Kerr
Next in importance to its skin, the beaver was valued for the castoreum it yielded.
In Beaver World Enos Abijah Mills
Another time a beaver, passing over a trap to get the castoreum, had his hind-leg broken.
The Western World W.H.G. Kingston
You have denied that the vesicles of the otter are equivalent to castoreum.
The Man Who Laughs Victor Hugo
At length an Indian tried whether a male might not be caught by adding some of the castoreum.
The Western World W.H.G. Kingston
They mix the castoreum with a red colour, and with it rub their face and frequently their hair.
Early Western Travels, 1748-1846, v. 23 Various
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