the altering of working practices so that regular workers are re-employed on a casual or short-term basis
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- Casually
happening by chance; fortuitous: a casual meeting. without definite or serious intention; careless or offhand; passing: a casual remark. seeming or tending to be indifferent to what is happening; apathetic; unconcerned: a casual, nonchalant air. without emotional intimacy or commitment: casual sex. appropriate for wear or use on informal occasions; not dressy: casual clothes; casual […]
- Casualness
happening by chance; fortuitous: a casual meeting. without definite or serious intention; careless or offhand; passing: a casual remark. seeming or tending to be indifferent to what is happening; apathetic; unconcerned: a casual, nonchalant air. without emotional intimacy or commitment: casual sex. appropriate for wear or use on informal occasions; not dressy: casual clothes; casual […]
- Casualties
Military. a member of the armed forces lost to service through death, wounds, sickness, capture, or because his or her whereabouts or condition cannot be determined. casualties, loss in numerical strength through any cause, as death, wounds, sickness, capture, or desertion. one who is injured or killed in an accident: There were no casualties in […]
- Casualty
Military. a member of the armed forces lost to service through death, wounds, sickness, capture, or because his or her whereabouts or condition cannot be determined. casualties, loss in numerical strength through any cause, as death, wounds, sickness, capture, or desertion. one who is injured or killed in an accident: There were no casualties in […]
- Casualty aversion
noun a politically driven foreign policy that involves resolving conflict with the fewest deaths to military personnel and civilians