a prison building containing separate cells, each usually intended for one or two prisoners.
Historical Examples
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- Cell inclusion
cell inclusion n. Nonliving material in the protoplasm of a cell, such as pigment granules, fat droplets, or nutritive substances. Also called metaplasm2. A storage material such as glycogen or fat.
- Cell-line
a perpetuating strain of cells in laboratory culture. noun (biology) a clone of animal or plant cells that can be grown in a suitable nutrient culture medium in the laboratory cell line n. Cells grown in tissue culture and representing generations of a primary culture.
- Cell lineage
noun (biology) the developmental history of a tissue or part of an organism from particular cells in the fertilized egg or embryo through to their fully differentiated state
- Cellmate
a fellow inmate in a prison cell. Contemporary Examples Historical Examples
- Cell-mediated immunity
immunity independent of antibody but dependent on the recognition of antigen by T cells and their subsequent destruction of cells bearing the antigen or on the secretion by T cells of lymphokines that enhance the ability of phagocytes to eliminate the antigen. cell-mediated immunity n. Abbr. CMI Immunity resulting from a cell-mediated immune response. Also […]