cellulipetal cel·lu·lip·e·tal (sěl’yə-lĭp’ĭ-tl)
Moving or extending toward a cell or cell body.
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- Cellulite
lumpy fat deposits, especially in the thighs and buttocks. Contemporary Examples noun a name sometimes given to subcutaneous fat alleged to resist dieting n. “lumpy, dimpled fat,” 1968, from French cellulite, from cellule “a small cell” (16c., from Latin cellula “little cell,” diminutive of cella; see cell) + -ite (see -ite (1)). cellulite cel·lu·lite (sěl’yə-līt’) […]
- Cellulitis
inflammation of cellular tissue. Historical Examples noun inflammation of any of the tissues of the body, characterized by fever, pain, swelling, and redness of the affected area n. 1832, from Latin cellula, diminutive of cella “cell” (see cell) + -itis. cellulitis cel·lu·li·tis (sěl’yə-lī’tĭs) n. A spreading inflammation of subcutaneous or connective tissue.
- Cellulolytic
(of bacteria or enzymes) capable of hydrolyzing cellulose.
- Celo-navigation
celestial navigation.
- Cellulosic
of, containing, or derived from cellulose. any cellulosic compound or substance. Contemporary Examples Historical Examples