

A person who bets only on the horse favored to win (1950s+ Horse racing)

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    a blackboard, especially a green or other light-colored one. noun (US & Canadian) a hard or rigid surface made of a smooth usually dark substance, used for writing or drawing on with chalk, esp in teaching Also called (in Britain and certain other countries) blackboard n. also chalk-board, 1816, from chalk (n.) + board (n.1).

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    noun (Brit, informal) the work or art of teaching in a school, esp classroom teaching as distinct from organizational responsibilities (esp in the phrase at the chalkface) (as modifier): chalkface experience

  • Chalkiness

    of or like chalk. of a chalklike consistency: chalky soil. without resonance, color, warmth, etc.: several high tones that were quite chalky. Photography. lacking in detail, due to extreme contrast: a chalky print. adj. c.1400, from chalk (n.) + -y (2). Related: Chalkiness.

  • Chalky

    of or like chalk. of a chalklike consistency: chalky soil. without resonance, color, warmth, etc.: several high tones that were quite chalky. Photography. lacking in detail, due to extreme contrast: a chalky print. adj. c.1400, from chalk (n.) + -y (2). Related: Chalkiness.

  • Chalking

    a soft, white, powdery limestone consisting chiefly of fossil shells of foraminifers. a prepared piece of chalk or chalklike substance for marking, as a blackboard crayon. a mark made with chalk. a score or tally. to mark or write with chalk. to rub over or whiten with chalk. to treat or mix with chalk: to […]

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