
[kaz-uh m] /ˈkæz əm/

a yawning fissure or deep cleft in the earth’s surface; gorge.
a breach or wide fissure in a wall or other structure.
a marked interruption of continuity; gap:
a chasm in time.
a sundering breach in relations, as a divergence of opinions, beliefs, etc., between persons or groups.
a deep cleft in the ground; abyss
a break in continuity; gap
a wide difference in interests, feelings, etc

1590s, “deep crack in the earth,” from Latin chasma, from Greek khasma “yawning hollow, gulf,” related to khaskein “to yawn,” and thus to chaos. In English in 17c. often spelled chasma. Figurative use from 1640s. Related: Chasmal; chasmic.

CHeap ASseMbler

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    Community Health Accreditation and Standards Program

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