/ˈkiːməʊˌstæt; ˈkɛm-/
an apparatus for growing bacterial cultures at a constant rate by controlling the supply of nutrient medium
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- Chemosterilize
[kee-moh-ster-uh-lahyz, kem-oh-] /ˌki moʊˈstɛr əˌlaɪz, ˌkɛm oʊ-/ verb (used with object), chemosterilized, chemosterilizing. 1. to (insects or other animals) with a chemosterilant.
- Chemosterilant
[kee-moh-ster-uh-luh nt, kem-oh-] /ˌki moʊˈstɛr ə lənt, ˌkɛm oʊ-/ noun 1. a chemical that causes an animal to become irreversibly sterile without changing its mating behavior or longevity.
- Chemosynthesis
[kee-moh-sin-thuh-sis, kem-oh-] /ˌki moʊˈsɪn θə sɪs, ˌkɛm oʊ-/ noun, Biology, Biochemistry. 1. the of organic compounds within an organism, with chemical reactions providing the energy source. /ˌkɛməʊˈsɪnθɪsɪs/ noun 1. the formation of organic material by certain bacteria using energy derived from simple chemical reactions n. 1898, from chemo- + synthesis. chemosynthesis (kē’mō-sĭn’thĭ-sĭs) The formation of […]
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[kee-moh-sur-juh-ree, kem-oh-] /ˌki moʊˈsɜr dʒə ri, ˌkɛm oʊ-/ noun, Surgery. 1. the use of chemical substances to destroy diseased or unwanted tissue. chemosurgery che·mo·sur·ger·y (kē’mō-sûr’jə-rē, kěm’ō-) n. Selective destruction of tissue by use of chemicals.
- Chemosynthetic-bacteria
plural noun 1. bacteria that synthesize organic compounds, using energy derived from the oxidation of organic or inorganic materials without the aid of light. chemosynthetic bacteria (kē’mō-sĭn-thět’ĭk) Bacteria that make food by chemosynthesis. Nitrifying bacteria are a type of chemosynthetic bacteria, as are the bacteria that live around vents in the bottom of the ocean.