A police car; prowl car (1960s+ Teenagers)
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[kur-suh-neez, -nees] /ˈkɜr səˌniz, -ˌnis/ noun 1. a peninsula. /ˈkɜːsəˌniːs/ noun 1. from Greek khersonesos “peninsula,” from khersos “dry land” + nesos “island,” which is of uncertain origin; perhaps from *na-sos, literally “that which swims,” from PIE root sna- “to swim” (see natatorium).
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[churt] /tʃɜrt/ noun 1. a compact rock consisting essentially of microcrystalline quartz. /tʃɜːt/ noun 1. a microcrystalline form of silica usually occurring as bands or layers of pebbles in sedimentary rock. Formula: SiO2. Varieties include flint, lyddite (Lydian stone) Also called hornstone n. “flint-like quartz,” 1670s, of unknown origin. Apparently “a local term, which has […]
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/ˈtʃɜːtsɪ/ noun 1. a town in S England, in N Surrey on the River Thames. Pop: 10 323 (2001)
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