a town in S England, in N Surrey on the River Thames. Pop: 10 323 (2001)
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- Cherub
[cher-uh b] /ˈtʃɛr əb/ noun, plural cherubs for 3, 4; cherubim [cher-uh-bim, -yoo-bim] /ˈtʃɛr ə bɪm, -yʊ bɪm/ (Show IPA), for 1, 2. 1. a celestial being. Gen. 3:24; Ezek. 1, 10. 2. Theology. a member of the second order of angels, often represented as a beautiful rosy-cheeked child with wings. 3. a beautiful or […]
- Cherubfish
[cher-uh b-fish] /ˈtʃɛr əbˌfɪʃ/ noun, plural cherubfishes (especially collectively) cherubfish. 1. a brilliantly colored butterflyfish, Centropyge argi, found in the West Indies: kept in home aquariums.
- Cherubic
[chuh-roo-bik] /tʃəˈru bɪk/ adjective 1. of or having the nature of a , or an angel represented as a rosy-cheeked child with wings; angelic. 2. having a plump, pretty innocence: a cherubic face and a dazzling smile. adj. 1620s, from cherub + -ic. Earlier was cherubical (c.1600).
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[cher-uh b] /ˈtʃɛr əb/ noun, plural cherubs for 3, 4; cherubim [cher-uh-bim, -yoo-bim] /ˈtʃɛr ə bɪm, -yʊ bɪm/ (Show IPA), for 1, 2. 1. a celestial being. Gen. 3:24; Ezek. 1, 10. 2. Theology. a member of the second order of angels, often represented as a beautiful rosy-cheeked child with wings. 3. a beautiful or […]
- Cherubicon
[Greek khe-roo-vee-kawn; English chi-roo-bi-kon] /Greek ˌxɛ ru viˈkɔn; English tʃɪˈru bɪˌkɒn/ noun, Eastern Church. 1. the hymn sung during the Great Entrance by the choir, which represents the cherubim.