[chest-on-chest, -awn-] /ˈtʃɛst ɒnˈtʃɛst, -ɔn-/
a chest of drawers placed upon a slightly wider chest of drawers.
another term for tallboy
Read Also:
- Chest-pass
noun, Sports. 1. a pass in which the ball is quickly propelled from the chest by the hands and arms.
- Chest-protector
noun, Baseball. 1. a protective pad worn over the chest by a catcher or umpire to shield the body from foul tips.
- Chest-register
noun, Music. 1. the low register of the human voice.
- Chest-thumping
[chest-thuhm-ping] /ˈtʃɛstˌθʌm pɪŋ/ noun 1. the act or practice of boasting.
- Chest wall
chest wall n. The system of structures outside the lungs that move as a part of breathing, including the rib cage, diaphragm, and abdomen. Also called thoracic wall.