[kawr-ee-am-buh s, kohr-] /ˌkɔr iˈæm bəs, ˌkoʊr-/
noun, plural choriambi
[kawr-ee-am-bahy, kohr-] /ˌkɔr iˈæm baɪ, ˌkoʊr-/ (Show IPA), choriambuses.
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[kawr-ik, kohr-] /ˈkɔr ɪk, ˈkoʊr-/ adjective 1. of, relating to, or written for a . /ˈkɒrɪk/ adjective 1. of, like, for, or in the manner of a chorus, esp of singing, dancing, or the speaking of verse adj. 1749, from Latin choricus, from Greek khorikos, from khoros (see chorus).
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[kawr-in, kohr-een] /ˈkɔr ɪn, ˈkoʊr in/ noun 1. a . n. “chorus girl,” 1924, from chorus + fem. ending -ine.
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