[choi-oh-tee] /tʃɔɪˈoʊ ti/
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- Chozeba
(1 Chr. 4:22), the same as Chezib and Achzib, a place in the lowlands of Judah (Gen. 38:5; Josh. 15:44).
- Chozerei
[khah-zuh-rahy; English hah-zuh-rahy] /ˌxɑ zəˈraɪ; English ˌhɑ zəˈraɪ/ noun, Yiddish. 1. . [khah-zuh-rahy; English hah-zuh-rahy] /ˌxɑ zəˈraɪ; English ˌhɑ zəˈraɪ/ noun, Yiddish. 1. anything of little value; junk; garbage.
- Chp
abbreviation 1. Combined Heat and Power: the production of both heat and electricity from the same device or power plant Also called cogeneration
- Chpa
community health purchasing alliances
- Chpn.