Christopher fry

[frahy] /fraɪ/

Christopher, 1907–2005, English playwright.
verb fries, frying, fried
when tr, sometimes foll by up. to cook or be cooked in fat, oil, etc, usually over direct heat
(intransitive) (informal) to be excessively hot
(slang, mainly US) to kill or be killed by electrocution, esp in the electric chair
noun (pl) fries
a dish of something fried, esp the offal of a specified animal: pig’s fry
(US & Canadian) a social occasion, often outdoors, at which the chief food is fried
(Brit, informal) the act of preparing a mixed fried dish or the dish itself
plural noun
the young of various species of fish
the young of certain other animals, such as frogs
young children See also small fry
Christopher. 1907–2005, English dramatist; author of the verse dramas A Phoenix Too Frequent (1946), The Lady’s Not For Burning (1948), and Venus Observed (1950)
Elizabeth. 1780–1845, English prison reformer and Quaker
Roger Eliot. 1866–1934, English art critic and painter who helped to introduce the postimpressionists to Britain. His books include Vision and Design (1920) and Cézanne (1927)
Stephen (John). born 1957, British writer, actor, and comedian; his novels include The Liar (1991) and The Stars’ Tennis Balls (2000)

late 13c., from Old French frire “to fry” (13c.), from Latin frigere “to roast or fry,” from PIE *bher- (4) “to cook, bake” (cf. Sanskrit bhrjjati “roasts,” bharjanah “roasting;” Persian birishtan “to roast;” Greek phrygein “to roast, bake”).

Meaning “execute in the electric chair” is U.S. slang from 1929. To go out of the frying pan into the fire is first attested in Thomas More (1532). The related noun is from 1630s. Related: Fried; frying. Frying pan recorded from mid-14c.

“young fish,” late 13c., from Anglo-French frei, from Old French frai “spawn,” from froier “to rub, spawn (by rubbing abdomen on sand).” First applied to human offspring 14c. in Scottish, though OED and some other sources trace this usage to Old Norse frjo, fræ “seed, offspring.”


Related Terms

bigger fish to fry, small fry

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