
[kloi-zuh-ney; French klwa-zaw-ney] /ˌklɔɪ zəˈneɪ; French klwa zɔˈneɪ/

enamelwork in which colored areas are separated by thin metal bands fixed edgewise to the ground.
pertaining to, forming, or resembling cloisonné or the pattern of cloisonné.
/klwɑːˈzɒneɪ; French klwazɔne/

of, relating to, or made by cloisonné

“divided into compartments,” 1863, from French cloisonné, from cloison “a partition” (12c., in Old French, “enclosure”), from Provençal clausio, from Vulgar Latin *clausio, noun of action from past participle stem of claudere “to close, shut” (see clause).

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