
[klohn] /kloʊn/


a person or thing that duplicates, imitates, or closely resembles another in appearance, function, performance, or style:
All the fashion models seemed to be clones of one another.
verb (used with object), cloned, cloning.
to produce a copy or imitation of.

verb (used without object), cloned, cloning.
Biology. to grow as a clone.
a group of organisms or cells of the same genetic constitution that are descended from a common ancestor by asexual reproduction, as by cuttings, grafting, etc, in plants
Also called gene clone. a segment of DNA that has been isolated and replicated by laboratory manipulation: used to analyse genes and manufacture their products (proteins)
(informal) a person or thing bearing a very close resemblance to another person or thing

to produce or cause to produce a clone
(informal) to produce near copies (of a person or thing)
(transitive) (slang) to give (a mobile phone, etc) the electronic identity of an existing mobile phone (or other device), so that calls, purchases, etc made with the second device are charged to the owner of the first device

1903, in botany, from Greek klon “a twig, spray,” related to klados “sprout, young branch, offshoot of a plant,” possibly from PIE root *kel- “to strike, cut” (see holt). Figurative use by 1978.

1959, from clone (n.). Related: Cloned; cloning. Extension to genetic duplication of animals and human beings is from 1970.

clone (klōn)

v. cloned, clon·ing, clones

clon’al (klō’nəl) adj.


A living system that is genetically identical to its ancestor (that is, it has exactly the same DNA molecules). Because each cell contains the DNA molecules that characterize an individual, it is, in principle, possible to replicate, or reproduce, complex living systems in the laboratory.

Note: The first cloned mammal, a sheep named Dolly, was born in Scotland in 1996. DNA from an adult donor was placed into an egg, which was then implanted in the uterus of another sheep. Since that time, mice, cows, and pigs have been cloned.

Note: There is a major debate on the ethical aspects (see bioethics) of cloning, especially as applied to human beings. Therapeutic cloning involves the placing of adult DNA in an egg for the express purpose of creating stem cells for medical purposes. Reproductive cloning involves the placement of adult DNA into an egg and the implantation of the egg into a uterus for the purpose of creating a viable fetus.

Note: Clone is often used informally to indicate a close copy or resemblance: “This new computer is a clone of the IBM model.”


An imitation, esp a person who imitates or emulates another; a mindless copy: Not a clone in sight. No one has the same color hair

[1970s+; fr clone, ”the asexually produced offspring of an organism,” ultimately fr Greek klon, ”twig, branch”]

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