Cnn effect
the negative results (mainly economic) of people staying at home and watching 24-hour-a-day news channels, esp. during a crisis or military situation
The CNN effect refers to consumers who stayed at home to watch coverage of the war in Iraq instead of going out and spending.
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1. Chief of Naval Operations. 1. carbon-nitrogen-oxygen 2. chief nursing officer 3. chief of naval operations
- Cnr
abbreviation 1. Canadian National Railways Communication and Network Riser [United Nations] Committee on Natural Resources
- Cnossus
[nos-uh s, kuh-nos-] /ˈnɒs əs, kəˈnɒs-/ noun 1. . /ˈnɒsəs; ˈknɒs-/ noun 1. a variant spelling of Knossos
- Cnri
Corporation for National Research Initiatives
1. central nervous system. abbreviation 1. central nervous system CNS abbr. central nervous system 1. Catholic News Service 2. central nervous system 3. clinical nurse specialist