[koh-ee-kwuh l] /koʊˈi kwəl/
equal with another or each other in rank, ability, extent, etc.:
The two top students were coequal.
a coequal person or thing.
of the same size, rank, etc
a person or thing equal with another
late 14c.; see co- + equal.
Read Also:
- Coequal
[koh-ee-kwuh l] /koʊˈi kwəl/ adjective 1. equal with another or each other in rank, ability, extent, etc.: The two top students were coequal. noun 2. a coequal person or thing. /kəʊˈiːkwəl/ adjective 1. of the same size, rank, etc noun 2. a person or thing equal with another adj. late 14c.; see co- + equal.
- Coenzyme-q-10
noun 1. a naturally occurring, fat-soluble, vitaminlike enzyme found in a variety of foods and synthesized in the body: sold as a dietary supplement for its antioxidant properties.
- Coenzyme q
noun 1. a quinone derivative, present in biological cells, that functions as an electron carrier in the electron transport chain Also called ubiquinone coenzyme Q n. Ubiquinone. coenzyme Q See ubiquinone.
- Cognizant
[kog-nuh-zuh nt, kon-uh-] /ˈkɒg nə zənt, ˈkɒn ə-/ adjective 1. having ; aware (usually followed by of): He was cognizant of the difficulty. 2. having legal cognizance or jurisdiction. /ˈkɒɡnɪzənt; ˈkɒnɪ-/ adjective 1. (usually foll by of) aware; having knowledge adj. 1820, back-formation from cognizance.
- Cognize
[kog-nahyz] /ˈkɒg naɪz/ verb (used with object), cognized, cognizing. 1. to perceive; become conscious of; know. /ˈkɒɡnaɪz; kɒɡˈnaɪz/ verb 1. (transitive) to perceive, become aware of, or know v. 1650s, back-formation from cognizance. Related: Cognized; cognizing.