[kohd] /koʊd/
a ceramic imitation of carved stonework popular in England around 1800.
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[koh-aj-uh-tuh nt] /koʊˈædʒ ə tənt/ adjective 1. helping reciprocally; cooperating. noun 2. an assistant; aide. /kəʊˈædʒətənt/ adjective 1. cooperating noun 2. a helper
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[koh-aj-uh-ter, koh-uh-joo-ter] /koʊˈædʒ ə tər, ˌkoʊ əˈdʒu tər/ noun 1. an assistant. 2. an assistant to a bishop or other ecclesiastic. 3. a bishop who assists another bishop, with the right of succession. /kəʊˈædʒʊtə/ noun 1. a bishop appointed as assistant to a diocesan bishop 2. (rare) an assistant
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[koh-uh d-ven-cher] /ˌkoʊ ədˈvɛn tʃər/ noun 1. in which two or more share. verb (used without object), coadventured, coadventuring. 2. to share in an .
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[koh-aj-uh-nit, -neyt] /koʊˈædʒ ə nɪt, -ˌneɪt/ adjective, Zoology, Botany. 1. united by growth. /kəʊˈædjʊnɪt; -ˌneɪt/ adjective 1. (biology) another word for connate (sense 3)