a series of mountain ranges along the Pacific coast of North America, extending from Baja California to SE Alaska.
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- Coast-redwood
noun 1. the redwood, Sequoia sempervirens.
- Coast-rhododendron
noun 1. a rhododendron, Rhododendron macrophyllum, of western North America, having large clusters of rose-purple flowers spotted with brown: the state flower of Washington.
- Coast-to-coast
[kohst-tuh-kohst] /ˈkoʊst təˈkoʊst/ adjective 1. extending, going, or operating from one coast of the U.S. to the other: a coast-to-coast television network.
- Coastward
[kohst-werd] /ˈkoʊst wərd/ adverb 1. Also, coastwards. toward the : We left the sinking ship in lifeboats and rowed coastward. adjective 2. directed toward the : a coastward migration.
- Coastways
[kohst-weyz] /ˈkoʊstˌweɪz/ adverb, adjective, Archaic. 1. .