
[kohks] /koʊks/

verb (used with object)
to attempt to influence by gentle persuasion, flattery, etc.; cajole:
He coaxed her to sing, but she refused.
to obtain by coaxing:
We coaxed the secret from him.
to manipulate to a desired end by adroit handling or persistent effort:
He coaxed the large chair through the door.

verb (used without object)
to use gentle persuasion.
to seek to manipulate or persuade (someone) by tenderness, flattery, pleading, etc
(transitive) to obtain by persistent coaxing
(transitive) to work on or tend (something) carefully and patiently so as to make it function as one desires: he coaxed the engine into starting
(transitive) (obsolete) to caress
(transitive) (obsolete) to deceive
short for coaxial cable

1580s, originally in slang phrase to make a coax of, from earlier noun coax, cox, cokes “a fool, ninny, simpleton” (1560s); modern spelling is 1706. Origin obscure, perhaps related to cock (n.1). Related: Coaxed; coaxing.
coaxial cable

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