[see-lee-ak] /ˈsi liˌæk/
[see-lee-ak] /ˈsi liˌæk/
adjective, Anatomy.
of, relating to, or located in the cavity of the abdomen.
of or relating to the abdomen
a person who suffers from coeliac disease
(anatomy) the usual US spelling of coeliac
1660s, from Latin coeliacus, from Greek koiliakos “pertaining to the bowels,” also “pain in the bowels,” from koilia “bowels, abdominal cavity, intestines, tripe” from koilos “hollow,” from PIE root *keue- “to swell; vault, hole” (see cumulus).
alternative spelling of coeliac (q.v.); also see oe.
coeliac coe·li·ac (sē’lē-āk’)
Variant of celiac.
celiac ce·li·ac or coe·li·ac (sē’lē-āk’)
Of or relating to the abdomen or abdominal cavity.
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